The International Clown Hall of Fame and Research Center is the only museum in the world dedicated solely to the preservation, interpretation, celebration and honoring the art of clowns & clowning worldwide.
It originally was located in Delavan, Wisconsin and it found its forever home in the noted “Circus City” of Baraboo, Wisconsin.
The ICHOF houses the largest collection of clown artifacts in the world. Their holdings include props, wardrobe, make up, wigs, clown shoes, trunks, personal scrapbooks, diaries, programs, photographs, books, film, video and digital recordings. They present new exhibits every year and continue to locate historical and current artifacts daily.
The museum began to induct noted clown performers in 1990 for their career achievements, contributions to the craft of the clown and worldwide respect & recognition. Some of the 80 inductees include, Emmett Kelly, Red Skelton, Grock, Lou Jacobs, Bill Irwin and Charlie Chaplin.
The ICHOF also presents a “Lifetime of Laughter” award to individuals and organizations who have contributed to the art of clowning thru their efforts to further the craft and shine positive public awareness on clowns & clowning.

A brief History of the International Clown Hall of Fame and Research Center
In 1986 the City of Delavan Wisconsin partnered with the University of Wisconsin -Whitewater to create a study that revolved around economic development and the town’s rich 19th century circus history.
This experiment produced a proposal for a “living museum” that would act as a spotlight for the history of clowning, the legendary clowns from all aspects of performance, and their lifelong contribution to the art form. This includes circus, theater, vaudeville, burlesque, rodeo, ice skaters, street buskers, film, television and hospital clowns.
Through the generosity of four major clown organizations (Clown Camp, Clowns of America International, World Clown Association and the International Shrine Clowns) and the city of Delavan, the museum opened its doors in February of 1987.
First Museum in Delevan, Wisconsin
By 1988 the ICHOF continued to grow and was able to upgrade their facilities to include a gift shop, office, conference room and library.
Outside View of 2nd Delevan Location
grand opening of 2nd location in Delevan
In 1989 the ICHOF began inductions, honoring professional clowns from all venues that have shown excellence in performance, earned respect from their peers and have left a significant imprint on the art & craft of clowning.
On April 23, 1989, the very first group of clowns were inducted, they being Red Skelton, Lou Jacobs, Emmett Kelly, Mark Anthony, Felix Adler and Otto Griebling in a gala celebration that brought clown historians, fans and dignitaries to Delevan, Wisconsin. As of 2023, 80 distinguished performers have joined the pantheon of legendary clowns honored by the ICHOF.
Coco, Leon McBride, Frosty Little
After more than a decade of celebrating and preserving clown history the ICHOF moved its headquarters to Milwaukee in 1997 to the Grand Avenue Mall and created a “Preview Center” as a search was conducted for a forever home.
Construction of Milwaukee Museum
Milwaukee Museum display
During this time, guided tours were created, and the “Lifetime of Laughter” award was introduced to honor individuals who excelled in promoting clowns in a positive light as well as contributed to furthering to the public education of the impact of laughter as a tool in society.
In 2005, the museum temporarily shifted focus as they grew and tours were suspended as the quest for that elusive “forever home continued. The ICHOF maintained an office, staff, continued fundraising efforts, and accepted artifacts. Inductions continued and they created a partnership with Milwaukee Children’s Hospital to provide regular clown visits to offer the healing power of laughter to children, their parents as well as doctors & nurses.
In October of 2009 Greg DeSanto, a professional clown and historian was approached to help guide a new vision for the ICHOF, pass the torch of leadership and help relocate the museum to the rich circus-centric town of Baraboo, Wisconsin.
This small community, known as the “Gem City” was home to the original Ringling Brothers. They started their world famous circus in this community and in May of 2010, the ICHOF was warmly welcomed as an important “spoke” in the circus wheel of history that helps define the city.
A new board of directors was formed and the ICHOF found its forever home on the historic downtown square, surrounded by nearly 200 years of history.
Putting up the many displays in the Baraboo location
Setting up the Clown Costumes
The community hosts a yearly circus parade, circus themed events and the ICHOF partners with Circus World Museum, the Al. Ringling Theater and local groups to help make Baraboo, Wisconsin a vibrant tourism spot.
Since opening, the museum has been featured in newspapers, articles, podcasts, interviews, documentaries, and tv shows including American Pickers, History Detectives, Ripley’s Believe it or Not and consulted with the popular Emmy Award winning TV show, “Modern Family” as they help present a positive image of clowns to new generations.
For almost 40 years with the help and support of every single individual who joined us on this journey, the ICHOF has managed to successfully live up to its mission. To preserve, present, educate and celebrate the lives and stories of those who have the gift of laughter and shared it worldwide.
Baraboo Grand Opening 2011
Greg DeSanto
Executive Director
Board of Directors
Terry Rickets
Board President
Lee Jarrett
ICHOF Board Member
Ralph Pierce
ICHOF Board Member
Sandy Weber
ICHOF Board Member
Steve Copeland
ICHOF Board Member
Ron "Toto" Johnson
ICHOF Board Member